How to use the transcript editor

Your transcript is like an editable document. See all the features in this article.

Jan 23, 2022

Once you get your transcript from Simon Says, here’s what you can do on that page:

To see video subtitles in a different language, click the settings icon in the video and select an available language from Subtitles/CC

Your Simon Says transcript is like a Google Doc or word processing document: go ahead, edit it!

  • Copy-paste text into your transcript from anywhere
  • Undo any errors using CTRL+Z/CMD+Z multiple times (and redo with CTRL+Y/CMD+Y)

1  Edit your text

Edit your text

You can even edit the project name.

Edit the project name

2. Create new rows; they will each have their own timecode. Or join rows.

Create new rows

3. Click > to add and set speaker labels. Edit a speaker label already created to cascade the change to all rows with that label.

Add speaker labels

4. Simon Says auto-saves any edits you make to your transcript. You can also manually save your work by clicking on “Save Now”. Auto-save turns on as soon as you make an edit and will save every 2 minutes if you continue to edit, bookmark, or annotate.

You can manually save your work

5. Jump to specific points in the audio / video by clicking the time above the row.

Jump to specific points

Or by clicking on the waveform.

Or by using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + mouse click on any word in the transcript or by clicking in the video player track slider.

6. Increase / decrease playback speed by clicking the button on the player. You can also use the keyboard shortcut: CTRL + , to decrease the speed and CTRL + . to increase the speed.

Increase / decrease playback speed

7. Set the start timecode, video dimensions, and frame rate by clicking the clock icon on the toolbar. This function is important for those in production and those who need timecode-synced transcripts.

Note: Simon Says auto detects timecode for many different file formats and automatically sets it.

Note 2: You can adjust the timecode of individual rows by exporting your project to the Visual Subtitle Editor. Learn how here.

Set the start timecode, video dimensions, and frame rate

Production people know the importance of synced timecode

8. Bookmark your selects (you can also use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + b)

Bookmark your selects

Quickly navigate through bookmarks by clicking through on the bookmark finder in the remote control

Navigate through bookmarks by clicking through on the bookmark finder

9. Annotate as necessary and leave notes about a row.

Annotate as necessary and leave notes about a row

10. Switch between files: click the down arrow beside the file name to switch between files and their transcript in your project (if you uploaded more than 1 file into that project).

Switch between files

11. Save time with our handy keyboard shortcuts. Click the ? icon on the toolbar.

Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are different for PC and Mac. Click ? to see your shortcuts.

12. Export to your post-production programs, MS Word, Excel, SRT, or text.

Export to your post-production programs, MS Word, Excel, SRT, or text

13. Share your project with clients and colleagues. Select whether they will have edit rights or read-only. The share icon can be found beside the project name or in the export modal. See this article for more on sharing projects.

Share your project

14. Translate your project to over 50 languages

Translate your project

15. Export to our Visual Subtitle Editor to see exactly how your subtitles will export and make further edits as necessary.

Export to our Visual Subtitle Editor

Happy transcribing | Simon Says


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Speed of Transcription & Translation
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