
Simon Says AI macOS app v2.5 | improved transcript page design

Responsive | Better use of space | Keyboard Shortcuts

There are three user-facing updates (and a bunch under the hood) in our latest Simon Says macOS transcription product release, v2.5.

The key motivation was exploring how a user could get more value from the transcript screen.

  • Keyboard shortcuts: navigate the transcript or translation faster.
Simon Says keyboard shortcuts
  • Updated design of the transcript page: better layout.

Specifically: a) removing all the wasted space at the top of the page that we previously had; and b) responsiveness for even very-wide modes.

Simon Says macOS appÔøΩ wide
Very wide
simon says macos appÔøΩ medium01
Medium 01
simon says macos appÔøΩ medium02
Medium 02
simon says macos appÔøΩ small

The toolbar has even been repositioned near the Export button to allow more of the transcript page to show.

See description below for what each icon is.

1 = search

2 = launch transcript editor

3 = bookmark filter

4 = information / tips

5 = edit timecode / resolution

6 = export

  • Folders (which technically appeared a few weeks ago): better organization of transcripts.
Simon Says macos appÔøΩ new folders

We hope you like the new designs. As always, send us any feedback.

To download the latest macOS app from the Apple App Store:

To use Simon Says on the web:

Happy transcribing, captioning, and translating,

the Simon Says AI team

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