Download the Simon Says App from the Mac App Store. Launch the app and add ‘share destination' via the pop-up window or the main menu. Restart FCPX if it's open.
Mute any music or sound effects in FCPX, then export your project and select ‘Simon Says Transcription'. Click ‘Next' on the pop-up window - FCPX will automatically send your project to Simon Says' Mac app. Select the language of your project in the Simon Says app and click ‘Transcribe'.
How to articles CSV How to articles CSV 90% 12 In minutes your video edit is accurately transcribed. At this step, translate as needed and export to the Visual Subtitle Editor to preview/edit how captions / subtitles will appear on screen. Screen reader support enabled. In minutes your video edit is accurately transcribed. At this step, translate as needed and export to the Visual Subtitle Editor to preview/edit how captions / subtitles will appear on screen. Turn on screen reader support
Export from Simon Says to FCPX by dragging the purple Captions icon back to the bin in FCPX. The subtitles/captions will automatically reconnect the original project you imported and you will see the layered subtitles, assigned to their respective language, on the timeline.
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