Emily Stadulis of DMG Lumiere by Rosco | Interview snippets from NAB BuZZ 2019 podcasts with Larry Jordan
Larry Jordan: Welcome back to the NAB Show, Larry Jordan here. I'm talking to Emily Stadulis. She is the senior account representative for DMG Lumiere by Rosco, which is a really great title but I have no idea what she does. Hello, Emily. Welcome.
Emily Stadulis: Hi Larry. Thank you so much for having us.
Larry Jordan: So what is DMG Lumiere by Rosco?
Emily Stadulis: So DMG Lumiere by Rosco, it's a combination of a French company with 15 years of specialty LED manufacturing expertise for film and broadcast by Rosco, which of course has one hundred years in experience creating and crafting light that was LED and analog technologies.
Larry Jordan: Well, I'm very familiar with Rosco in terms of shells and filters but I haven't realized Rosco also did lighting, and especially not DMG doing lighting. So tell me more about this.
Emily Stadulis: Yes. So what you may remember, even if you don't remember it being a Rosco product, you might remember 15 years ago, Rosco developed the LitePad. So it was a small form factor LED panel that was very soft.
To read and hear more of this 2019 NAB BuZZ podcast, go to the Simon Says media player here.
Note: all podcast content, including the transcripts, are owned by and are the copyright of Digital Production BuZZ.
About Larry Jordan/Digital Production BuZZ
Larry Jordan is a 50-year veteran of media. Throughout his career, he has edited, produced, and directed at the local and network TV levels, and he's done extensive work with corporate training videos. He started his namesake website, larryjordan.com, in 2003 and began using his extensive industry knowledge to educate current and aspiring media professionals. He has authored nine books and thousands of how-to articles on both production and post-production.
Digital Production BuZZ is a weekly podcast that focuses on the latest trends and advancements in media technology and also shines a light on the industry's leading innovators.
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