
The Ultimate Guide to DaVinci Resolve Keyboard Shortcuts

It’s not hard to see why DaVinci Resolve is the defacto software for so many people, given its powerful node-based tools, incredible options for filmmakers, and a wide array of keyboard shortcuts.

Video editing can often be a long and arduous task, making a good workflow an absolute must. Keyboard shortcuts. Can help you achieve an optimal workflow.

This tutorial (compatible for both DaVinci Resolve 17 and DaVinci Resolve 18) will provide you the ultimate guide for using DaVinci Resolve keyboard shortcuts for both macOS and Windows devices.

What are DaVinci Resolve keyboard shortcuts?

DaVinci Resolve keyboard shortcuts (or hotkeys) are commands that can be accessed entirely on your keyboard. Without a shortcut, these commands would take longer to execute.

For example, to save a project in DaVinci Resolve, you can go all the way to the top of the screen and go to File > Save or you can choose the much simpler option of pressing cmd + s (or ctrl + s) on your keyboard.

It may not seem like a lot, but simple hotkeys such as these can be huge timesavers when working on longer projects.

The most useful DaVinci Resolve keyboard shortcuts

So what are the go-to shortcuts in DaVinci Resolve? Well, this is something that’s going to be subjective based on the user since every editor has a different workflow and different shortcuts that work best for them.

Most time spent in DaVinci Resolve though is usually within the timeline or in the node editor so these shortcuts are generally the most impactful

For instance, to zoom in on the timeline, you’ll want to press command (ctrl) plus = on the keyboard, and to zoom out you’ll want to press command (ctrl) plus - on the keyboard.

Below are some other useful keyboard shortcuts for DaVinci Resolve.

Command Windows Mac
Cut CTRL + X CMD + X
Copy CTRL + C CMD + C
Undo CTRL + Z CMD + Z
Redo CTRL + Shift + Z CMD + Shift + Z
Paste CTRL + V CMD + V
Paste Attributes ALT + V Option + V
Select All CTRL + A CMD + A
Deselect All CTRL + Shift + A CMD + Shift + A
Save CTRL + S CMD + S
Save As CTRL + Shift + S CMD + Shift + S
New Bin CTRL + Shift + N CMD + Shift + N
New Timeline CTRL + N CMD + N
Import Project CTRL + I CMD + I
Export Project CTRL + E CMD + E
Deselect All Tracks CTRL + Shift + A CMD + Shift + A

Other DaVinci Resolve keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts in DaVinci Resolve can be broken up into a few different sections. These classifications are based on the type of key that is pressed as well as the action you’re completing in Resolve.

The one’s we’ll be covering in this guide are application shortcuts, editing shortcuts, navigation shortcuts, effects shortcuts, marker shortcuts, and display shortcuts.

Application shortcuts

Application shortcuts are some of the most useful shortcuts in DaVinci Resolve. These shortcuts are notable for how they help you initially set up your project in Resolve as well as how they help you navigate.

Command Windows Mac
Minimize Resolve CTRL + H Command + H
Minimize all other programs Alt + CTRL + H Option + Command + H
Preferences CTRL + Comma Command + Comma
Project Settings Shift + 9 Shift + 9
Import Project CTRL + I Command + I
Export Project CTRL + E Command + E
Save Project CTRL + S Command + S
Save Project As Shift + CTRL + S Shift + Command + S
Quit Resolve CTRL + Q Command + Q
New Timeline CTRL + N Command + N
New Bin CTRL + Shift + N Command + Shift + N

Editing shortcuts

Editing shortcuts speed up the editing process while you’re in the DaVinci Resolve timeline. There are a lot of helpful shortcuts to help speed up your timeline workflow.

Command Windows Mac
Edit Mode A A
Trim Mode T T
Dynamic Trim Mode W W
Select Blade Tool B B
Select Razor Tool CTRL + B Command + B
Toggle between Slip/Slide Mode S S
Toggle between Snapping On/Off N N
Make Cut CTRL + X Command + X
Make Copy CTRL + C Command + C
Paste CTRL + V Command + V
Undo CTRL + Z Command + Z
Redo CTRL + Shift + Z Command + Alt + Z
Go to Previous Cut Point V V
Toggle between Edit Point Types U U
Split Clip CTRL + \ Command + \
Join Clip Option + \ Alt + \
Toggle between Enable/Disable Clip D D
Select All CTRL + + A Command + A
Deselect All CTRL + Shift + A Command + Shift + A
Select Nearest Clip or Gap Shift + V Shift + V
Select Forward Clips on this Track Y Y
Select Previous Clips on this Track CTRL + Y Command + Y
Delete Selected Backspace Backspace
Insert Edit F9 F9
Overwrite Edit F10 F10
Replace Edit F11 F11
Place On Top Edit F12 F12
Fit To Fill Edit Shift + F11 Shift + F11
Ripple Delete Delete Delete
Append at End of Timeline Shift + F12 Shift + F12
Trim Start Shift + [ Shift + [
Trim End Shift + ] Shift + ]

Navigation shortcuts

Navigation shortcuts provide even more navigation tools for users who wish to speed things up even further.

Command Windows Mac
Toggle between Pause/Start Playback Space Space
Playback L L
Stop Playback K K
Playback In Reverse J J
Fast Forward Shift + L Shift + L
Fast Reverse Shift + J Shift + J
Toggle between Loop/Unloop CTRL + / Command + /
Go to the Beginning of the Timeline Function Left Arrow Function Left Arrow
Go to the End of the Timeline Function Right Arrow Function Right Arrow
Got to Previous Clip or Cut Up Arrow Up Arrow
Go to Next Clip or Cut Down Arrow Down Arrow
Go to First Frame of Clip ; ;
Go to Last Frame of Clip
Go to Previous Frame Left Arrow Left Arrow
Go to Next Frame Right Arrow Right Arrow
Play Around the Current Frame / /

Effects shortcuts

The effects shortcuts are great if your videos use a bunch of effects.

Command Windows Mac
Add Transition CTRL + T Command + T
Add Video Only Transition ALT + T Option + T
Add Audio Only Transition Shift + T Shift + T
Retime Controls CTRL + R Command + R
Add Keyframe CTRL + [ Command + [
Delete Keyframe ALT + ] Option + ]
Go to Next Keyframe [ [
Go to Previous Keyframe ] ]
Add Serial Node ALT + S Option + S
Add Parallel Node ALT + P Option + P
Add Layer Node ALT + L Option + L
Add Splitter-Combiner Node ALT + Y Option + Y
Next Node Shift + ALT + Apostrophe Shift + Option + Apostrophe
Previous Node Shift + ALT + Semicolon Shift + Option + Semicolon
Toggle between Disable/Enable Node CTRL + D Command + D
Toggle between Disable/Enable All Nodes ALT + D Option + D
Reset Grades and Nodes CTRL + Home Command + Home
Bypass All Grades Shift + D Shift + D

Marker shortcuts

What markers do is help you keep track of specific moments or notable frames within your timeline. Marker shortcuts give you options for navigating markers in your timeline.

Command Windows Mac
Set In Mark I I
Set Out Mark O O
Remove In Mark ALT + I Option + I
Remove Out Mark ALT + O Option + O
Remove IN and Out Marks ALT + X Option + X
Add Marker M M
Delete Marker ALT + M Option + M
Modify Marker Shift + M Shift + M
Add and Modify Marker CTRL + M Command + M
Go to In Mark Shift + I Shift + I
Go to Out Mark Shift + O Shift + O
Go to Next Marker Shift + Down + Arrow Shift + Down + Arrow
Go to Previous Marker Shift + Up + Arrow Shift + Up + Arrow
Play Around In ALT + Space Option + Space
Play Around Out Shift + Space Shift + Space
Play In to Out ALT + / Option + /

Display shortcuts

A display shortcut is perfect for switching and working within a multitude of workspaces. Switching between things like edit mode and color mode are a breeze with display shortcuts.

Command Windows Mac
Open Media Workspace Shift + 2 Shift + 2
Open Cut Workspace Shift + 3 Shift + 3
Open Edit Workspace Shift + 4 Shift + 4
Open Color Workspace Shift + 6 Shift + 6
Open Deliver Workspace Shift + 8 Shift + 8
Zoom In + +
Zoom Out
Full Screen Shift + F Shift + F
Left Display 1 1
Right Display 2 2
Split Screen CTRL + ALT + W Command + Option + W
Toggle between Source/Timeline Viewers Q Q
Video Scopes CTRL + SHIFT + W Command + SHIFT + W

How to change keyboard shortcuts in DaVinci Resolve

Keyboard customization in DaVinci Resolve is as easy as clicking on DaVinci Resolve at the top left of the screen and going to keyboard customization. Clicking on this will bring up the DaVinci Resolve editor keyboard.

This will bring up a keyboard layout containing a cheat sheet of all the hotkeys available in DaVinci Resolve. Clicking on a key on this keyboard lets you assign a shortcut to it. You can also search for specific hotkey combinations in the search box at the bottom of the keyboard.


Leveraging hotkeys is one of the most simple yet effective things that can be done in DaVinci Resolve to speed up workflows. Plus, custom keyboard layouts and custom hotkeys can help you tailor the platform to your preferences.

When you want to improve your editing workflow, even more, Simon Says can prove another invaluable tool. The Resolve extension allows you to caption and transcribe videos natively in the platform, all without impacting your system’s performance.

Get Started with Simon Says
Transcribe & caption  like a pro.
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