Alfonso Cuaron's Acceptance Speech (Transcript) — 2019 Oscar for Best Director

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Presenter: AND THE OSCAR GOES TO His name I can pronounce, Alfonso Cuaron.
Voiceover: This is the fourth Oscar for Alfonso Cuaron .
Voiceover: His second win tonight.
Alfonso Cuar‚àö‚â•n (AC): Thank you so much. Being here doesn't get old. I hope Guillermo doesn't get old. I want to thank so many people. Obviously, Yalitza Aparicio and Marina de Tavira They are the film, they are truly the film.
AC: Amazing cast and crew. Gabriela Rodriquez and Nicolas Celis, my producers. David Linde and Jonathan King, Participant Media. Ted Sarandos, Scott Stuber and Julia Fontaine at Netflix. Kelly Bush and Bebe Lerner at ID. And Guillermo Del Toro, Alejandro Gonzalez and Henry Holmes.
AC: Now, ahmmmÔøΩ The, I have to say, I'm going to get lost in a Bermuda triangle here, so I better take my notes. Oh yeah. I want to thank the academy for recognizing a film center around an indigenous woman. One of the 70 million domestic workers in the world without works, without work rights, a character that historically had been really relegated in the background in cinema. As artists, our job is to look where others don't. This responsibility becomes much more important in times when we are being encouraged to look away. Muchas gracias a Libo, muchas gracias a mi familia, muchas grachias
AC: Mexico y sobre todo, muchas gracias Jonas, Bu y Olmo, gracias, gracias, gracias.