Install Simon Says from the App Store by searching ‘simon says inc’ and download. It’s 100% free to download and new users get free credit to try it out.
Click on the ‘+’ to start recording. You can pause and continue recording any time. Audio levels are displayed to ensure your sound is captured correctly. Click the checkmark button when the meeting is done.
Click ‘Transcribe’ and select the language of the meeting. Simon Says supports 100+ languages, including English, French, German, Arabic, Hindi, and many, many more — virtually every single language spoken on Earth. The transcript will be ready in a few minutes!
In the app, review the transcript and add notes. Hold down on a row to bookmark or annotate it. Then click on the ‘Export’ button and choose ‘Word’ or ‘Plain Text’, before sharing the transcript. Your transcript is also available from the website where you can share it with teammates, translate it into 100+ languages, and have additional export options.
15 minutes free credit