Maxim Jago | Interview snippets from NAB BuZZ 2019 podcasts with Larry Jordan
Larry Jordan: Welcome back to Day 3 at the 2019 NAB Show. This is Larry Jordan sitting and talking with a regular on the buzz Maxim Jago is the director, or producer, a writer, an editor, a futurist, a visionary, and probably five or six other things that I've forgotten off the bio. Maxim, welcome back.
Maxim Jago: Thank you very much. I'm very happy to be here. Come on, I'm going to start sending you checks in the post for this introductions.
Larry Jordan: You've got to add about five more adjectives and two more paragraphs. Isn't this a great place to put a stage? I mean look at this.
Maxim Jago: It's perfect.
Larry Jordan: You can see, I don't know, 700 or 800 booths, and 25,000 people and five herds of cattle that is wandering around in this area. You've had a chance to see the show. It's the third day, what's caught your eye?
Maxim Jago: It's not like there's any one major thing that's blowing anybody's minds. I would say the standout thing this year is that there does seem to be more energy. It seems to be there are more women here. You know, we've got this huge issue in media technology industries that women are underrepresented. And there's a couple of groups that said women in media are holding eventsÔøΩ
To read and hear more of this 2019 NAB BuZZ podcast, go to the Simon Says media player here.

Note: all podcast content, including the transcripts, are owned by and are the copyright of Digital Production BuZZ.

About Larry Jordan/Digital Production BuZZ
Larry Jordan is a 50-year veteran of media. Throughout his career, he has edited, produced, and directed at the local and network TV levels, and he's done extensive work with corporate training videos. He started his namesake website, larryjordan.com, in 2003 and began using his extensive industry knowledge to educate current and aspiring media professionals. He has authored nine books and thousands of how-to articles on both production and post-production.
Digital Production BuZZ is a weekly podcast that focuses on the latest trends and advancements in media technology and also shines a light on the industry's leading innovators.
To learn more about Digital Production BuZZ and Larry Jordan, head here.