
Andy Liebman of EditShare | Interview snippets from NAB BuZZ 2018 podcasts with Larry Jordan

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Larry Jordan: Media asset management is incredible subject because it's so vital to being able to track down all of our assets. To get started with your asset management system, you said it was about 20$ a month, how is that priced? How do you determine the starting point? What I'm saying is what do I get for 20$ versus 30 or 40 or 50?

Andy Liebman: Right. We have a very rich suite of tools and flow. And so, at the bottom tier, at the entry level tier, it's our servers, the database; it's no hardware, it's just software. It's the database software and it's our web based access to flow. It's what we call Air Flow. And then, as you move up, you have access to our timeline editor, our more sophisticated logging, our file ingest.

LJ: So what additional money gets us is not additional media asset management, it gets us additional tools as part of the other suite?

AL: Yes. We've come up with what we think is a good set of starter tools and it is going to meet the needs. For instance, you may just want to scan all your content and make it browsable remotely and use flow for review and approval with your executives or your clients. And that's a perfect way to start out with media asset management.

To read and hear more of this 2018 NAB BuZZ podcast, go to the Simon Says media player here.

Note: all podcast content, including the transcripts, are owned by and are the copyright of Digital Production BuZZ.

About Larry Jordan/Digital Production BuZZ

Larry Jordan is a 50-year veteran of media. Throughout his career, he has edited, produced, and directed at the local and network TV levels, and he's done extensive work with corporate training videos. He started his namesake website,, in 2003 and began using his extensive industry knowledge to educate current and aspiring media professionals. He has authored nine books and thousands of how-to articles on both production and post-production.

Digital Production BuZZ is a weekly podcast that focuses on the latest trends and advancements in media technology and also shines a light on the industry's leading innovators.

To learn more about Digital Production BuZZ and Larry Jordan, head here.

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