2020 Academy Awards | Best Picture | Parasite
Simon Says is an automated transcription service. We assist those in the media to swiftly transcribe audio and video files so they can find that meaningful dialogue. We are not associated with The Academy of Motion Pictures or the film Parasite; we are just big fans of this great speech and we highly recommend you listen to it if you can. We have provided the transcript below as a supplement. Enjoy!
2020 Academy Awards - February 9, 2020 | International Feature Film | Parasite (Transcript)
Length: 5 mins
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Jane Fonda: Thank you very much.
Jane Fonda: Nothing is more important than raising awareness, right?
Jane Fonda: Tonight, we've, hopefully, brought to light the impact that films have made and can make on our lives as individuals and on society as a whole. For the Academy, here are the films that made the greatest impact this year.
Jane Fonda: And the Oscar goes to Parasite.
Parasite has four Academy Award nominations and is the first film not in the English language to win Best Picture, winning four Oscars tonight
Kwak Sin-ae: [Korean]
Kwak Sin-ae: I'm speechless.
Kwak Sin-ae: [Korean]
Kwak Sin-ae: We never imagined this to ever happen. We are so happy.
Kwak Sin-ae: [Korean]
Kwak Sin-ae: I feel like a very opportune moment in history is happening right now.
Kwak Sin-ae: [Korean]
Kwak Sin-ae: I express my deepest gratitude and respect for all the members of the Academy for making this decision.
Kwak Sin-ae: Thank you.
Miky Lee: Hi, everybody. I really like to thank Director Bong. Thank you! Thank you for being you. And I like everything about himÔøΩ his smile, his crazy hair, the way he talks, the way he walks, and especially the way he directs. And what I really like about him is his sense of humor and the fact is he can be really making fun of himself and he never takes himself seriously. Thank you. Thank you very much.
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